Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want

If you are stuck in life and trying to figure out how to get out of that rut, this is the book for you.  This book helps you create a plan in your life.  Instead of dreaming about doing X, Y and Z, this book helps you create actionable items to help you create the life you want.  It also helps you focus on all aspects of your life that you need to concentrate on.  You may be successful in one or two categories, while completely negligent in other areas of your life (like health, family, relationships, etc.).  This book will help you focus on the things that matter as you put the pieces together and create a life plan that will work for you.

I highly recommend picking up this book.  It is one of the pillars that helped me design my resolutions for this year and stick to them.

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