Apologies to the ladies outside of the NYC area, but this post is mainly about the discount retailer DAFFY’S, which only has locations in NYC, NJ and PA…but it’s a store to put on your list of things to do while visiting our great city.
There are Daffy’s shops all throughout NYC. It’s a discount retailer quite similar to TJ Maxx and Marshall’s. My bestie had tried shopping there and managed to find a few good finds, but nothing that really screamed that Daffy’s was any better than TJ Maxx or Marshall’s…actually, they were below TJ Maxx and Marshall’s.
Not so long ago, they finally opened up a store right smack dab in Times Square, like half a block away from the main root of tourist insanity. I had been meaning to go in since it opened just to see if maybe I could find some cool home stuff.
Last night I went in with no expectations whatsoever…and I was blown away.
That See by Chloe dress I’ve been trying to decide if I was going to buy or not…oh, they not only had my size…they had the dress for $50…talk about a $645 discount!

What really caught my attention beyond the spring collection filled with color and big designer labels? It was the big red TAKE AN EXTRA 50% OFF CLEARANCE. Now we’re talking my language.
I flipped through the well organized sales racks (they were sized) and found a Magaschoni Collection dress for $80.99 and a Laundry wrap dress for $32.99. At take an extra 50% off, that Magaschoni dress just dropped to $40 and some change and the Laundry dress became $16. I found two sweaters, each came to around $6-$7…and then I found a big black and white python print bag that came to $18!
At the register, I signed up for the Daffy’s Club and received another 10% off. After tax and all…my grand total came to $90 for two designer dresses, two sweaters and a purse.
Daffy’s really is the place where millionaires shop…the discounts are really unbelievable.
Ever since that last time my friend and I visited Daffy’s in Herald Square a few years ago, it has definitely upgraded their labels (or the Times Square store is getting all of the good stuff since it’s a brand new store and flashier). I even saw that one of the stores had Valentino on their Facebook page…I’m talking Valentino coming in at around $60-$80 before it hits their clearance bins! I think I may never walk into Saks Fifth Avenue again…just wow.
Now the bad news is that now that I’ve shared my new shopping secret…that mostly empty Daffy’s in Times Square is going to be filled with bargain shoppers galore…good luck to me finding good stuff from here on out. But then again…I would like the store to stay in Times Square for a while.