Once upon a time, when Amy Tan was in New York City, she found herself caught up in a torrential downpour. She took refuge in a private library at the American Society for Psychical Research where her intuition brought her to the story of Bibi and her tale, “Saving Fish from Drowning” began to unfurl. This book is in every sense of the word, a trip gone wrong. It begins with Bibi’s death, the woman who was supposed to lead a group into China and down into Burma. Her death was the first omen that should have persuaded the group not to go, but they went anyway. The cursed group goes missing in Burma and the search is on to save them, even though no one knows exactly what happened to them. Bibi serves as the narrator of the story as Tan takes you from the most beautiful parts of China and into Burma. Tan opens your eyes to new cultures and to how dangerous political climates can be for the people around you.
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