As I’m gearing up not just for the Olympics, but for Fashion Week in New York City, some sad news came across the wire this morning. Legendary fashion designer Alexander…
I spoke about this yesterday in my “Tooth Fairy” piece I wrote for Inside Hockey…Georges Laraque perseveres even when people tell him he’s not good enough. I’ve been waiting to…
Alright…one last ditty about Burrows before I talk about other stuff (yeah…Venti Soy Peppermint Mocha has somewhat calmed me down)… Some interesting stuff that Preds On the Glass had written…
I’m teaming up with a couple of other ladies from the hockey blogosphere and creating our own Radio Podcast. We’re still working on the details, but it looks like we’re…
Welcome to the first Monday of 2010. While I’ll finish up Shanny’s 21 Days this month (my first resolution of 2010)…there are also some other things on the resolution calendar…
I would like to wish everyone a happy holidays, no matter what you celebrate (or don’t celebrate). May you be blessed with goodness and happiness. May your days be peaceful…
Ok…I never really talk about this kind of stuff because it’s a sore subject. Back in 1994, two weeks before my high school graduation, I was out camping with the…
Well, today’s just one of those days. As the NHL pics are going around everywhere…I get an email from saying the photo is up on their site finally. Here’s…
Alright, I hate posting up pics of myself because I know some of you guys tend to visit them too often…I don’t want to know…don’t want to know… But my…
People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. That quote was sent to me randomly the…