Friday Loves

1. Fresh Day, 38 W 48th St (between 5th Ave & Rockefeller Plz), New York City. I am a tad bit addicted to this Manhattan deli that I came across…

My New Motto

Have Fewer Things, But Better Things. — Suzanne Rheinstein — I’m not sure what magazine I clipped this quote from, but this motto just really leaped out at me.  “Have…

When You Believe

So I got myself a little pre-retirement gift from hockey writing.  When I saw it up on Little Black Bag, I knew I had to get it!  Considering how far…

On Love and Other Things

A few years ago, I was reading “The Answer” by John Assaraf and Murray Smith.  It was a fresh look at how to incorporate “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne into…

My Favorite UK Shop: WAREHOUSE

Want to know what my GO TO store is for dresses, especially for big events (like the NHL Awards)?  That shop is WAREHOUSE! I first got wind of this site…

Italy Bound

While most of the hockey world heads to the Draft, I’m heading out of the country.  Destination: ITALY. It’s kind of funny because my boss and I always book our vacations…

More Vintage Finds

In my Friday Loves post, I mentioned my newest addition to the purse closet…a vintage Gucci handbag.  Yes, I love it dearly! Thanks to, I’ve been able to acquire…

Friday Loves

I haven’t done one of these in a while, so I thought I’d share some of the things I love right now. 1. Yves Saint Laurent’s Paris Premiere Roses.  I…

Mint to Be Mint

So I’m a little behind in shopping posts…I blame this on the extra workload at the office, both of my teams in the playoffs (i.e. I have two teams to…

Things My Grandfather Taught Me That Made No Sense to Me as a Kid

Growing up, I always thought my grandfather did weird things.  He recycled those styrofoam containers from food packaging and used them as plates.  He swore by apple cider vinegar like it…