Blog Challenge: 8 Fears

This is Day 3 of the blog challenge.  Today is all about my 8 fears (in no real particular order)… 8.  Snakes.  I hate them.  They scare the crap out…

Blog Challenge: 9 Loves

Today’s challenge is all about the 9 Loves you have.  Here are mine… 9.  Willy Wonka Candies.  Want to put a smile on my face? Give me Willy Wonka candies and…

Sound Off…

It’s come to the attention of the Hockey Wives Club that there’s a new blogger purporting to be a hockey wife from the New York Rangers.  “She” decided to blog thanks…

The Blog Challenge: Secrets

A few of the blogging hockey wives decided to start a blog challenge where over the course of the next 10 days, they post up 10 different things about themselves…

I’m Musing…(maybe)

It’s been a while since I posted a musing, so I thought I’d do something non-hockey related because I’ve been musing a lot about non-hockey related things. 1.  Name: Ben…

Just Hand Me My Camera…

It’s been almost 2 years since I allowed myself to sit in front of a camera.  I decided that it was long overdue…so I took about 1000 pictures today.  You…

Did You Catch This?

Ah…the off-season.  What a great time for hockey players (or agents) to get themselves into some trouble.  Here’s what happened in case you missed it… 1.  Mike Richards Is Not a…

Quick Note

Just a quick note to all…you may notice that the way I’m doing things here has changed since my writing season has begun.  Usually the best dressed list comes out…

Making a Dream a Reality

Our worth in the world has always been tied to our looks…not the amazing miracle of mere existence. – Courtney E. Martin I picked up a copy of Geneen Roth’s “Women Food…

Knowing What You Deserve

I’m currently reading “Lost and Found” by Geneen Roth.  She was a victim of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.  When I first noticed her story, it was in O magazine.  She…