Meet the Love Me Do… an Angie Makes theme inspired by ocean hues and watercolor textures.

This theme features watercolor touches throughout and a user-friendly backend that allows you to change colors, fonts, site and sidebar widths and so much more! This theme comes with dummy content to get your site looking just like this one in no time.

We hope you fall head over heels in love with it.

What Makes God Happy?

I don’t often share my meditations anymore, but I thought I would share this one, just because it really makes you think outside of yourself.  This is about finding a…

Day of the Dead Halloween Home Decor

Fall is one of my favorite times of year to redecorate.  Out come the spooky box of goodies, trips to the farmer’s market to pick up an array of pumpkins,…

Give More Than What You Take – A Life Lesson

When Warren Buffett released his tax returns after the second Presidential debate, one thing stood out to me: how much he donated to charity versus how much he made in…

Thoughtful Living: Pack an Extra Lunch

A few weeks ago, I started packing an extra lunch to give to the homeless guys on the block that I adopted in NYC.  There are usually two or three…

A Scary Movie Binge You Haven’t Thought Of Yet

For those looking for a list of scary movies to watch this Halloween season, why not try something new?  In my research this past month, a friend of mine brought…

Focusing on the Passion and Making It the Mission

Over this past week, I’ve been pondering what I would like to do with this site.  My friends assisted me with the items they would like to see, as well as…

The Ultimate Russell Crowe Binge

For those who follow me on Twitter, I went through a bit of a Russell Crowe binge this past month.  While I still have a few movies left to find…

The Reason for the Russell Crowe Binge on Twitter

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed that I am doing a Russell Crowe movie binge.  I have not revealed why.  I keep promising to reveal why…

Make Everyone Happy: Remembering Gene Wilder

Yesterday, we lost Gene Wilder.  He was 83 years old when he passed away. For many people, he brought laughter and many smiles that reached down deep into the very…

This is 40: Realizing Your Dreams, Making Positive Changes to Your Life

Last month, I turned 40.  Like most major milestones in life, it gives you an opportunity to reflect on life thus far. What are the things you still want out…